Holding Onto Something That Has Already Let Go

Abigail Kapoor
1 min readDec 29, 2020
Image by DAVIDSONLUNA from Unsplash

she picks up an ornament

feels for its weightlessness

assuring that its light enough to hang on the tree

examines its design

certifying it as beautiful enough to represent the holiday

she hates these days

the ones where it seems that everyone is happy

she feels left out

no one is as empty as her

shes the only hollow ornament

too naive to realize that all of the ornaments are hollow

they have to be

otherwise they wouldn’t stay up on the tree, they would all fall down

no one wants an ornament that can’t stay up

pretty and empty

sad little shows of false joy

hanging upon a tree that will soon disappear

but she watches them

hopes that she can learn to imitate them

so that she too could be happy

she never learns

none of them learn

but they all pretend to

and yet none of them know this about one another

the perfect charade

the perfect Christmas

